Looking For Bisexual Woman: How to Meet Bisexual Women

meet bi women
  • Mischief
  • Mar 22, 2024

In this new age, sexual orientation has become quite flexible relative to a time in the past when being a member of the LGBTQ community was frowned upon and even condemned. People are no longer rigid about who you are knocking boots with, in terms of gender or sexual preference as they once were. And with that liberty comes new opportunities. Opportunities that some may not know how to explore.

In this case, for instance, you may be realizing new sexual preferences, or are just curious as to what extents you can reach sexually. Leading you to seek out the company of a bisexual female either for a casual sexual encounter or a long-term relationship. Whichever the case, some individuals find it quite challenging on how or where to start looking.

Well, in case you are currently in this predicament then you are in luck. That is because this article has compiled aspects of dating bisexual women in terms of where and how to find them among other details you may need to know about this dating venture.

Where To Find Bisexual Women

“So where do I find bi women near me?” you may ask. For those individuals that are new to this kind of thing (which is basically why this article has been made), knowing where to start is perhaps the most challenging factor. That is because of the uncertainty that comes with where to meet and chat with bisexual women. And well, you can’t just go around asking women if they play for both teams; some take offense in such kinds of inquiries. So you need to be in an environment that such an inquiry is welcome and holds the potential of a positive outcome in terms of your goal. The following are some of these environments.

The Lesbian Club or Bar

Going out is one surefire way to be around and identify and find bisexual women. And by going out I mean, going clubbing and to night parties. Such events form environments where most individuals loosen up and act more of themselves where the judgmental stares are reduced. Their dressing, hair, and demeanor which we will get to in a couple of paragraphs, can be quite helpful in identifying the kind of sexual partner you are searching for in a crowd within such an event.

However, there are those that are more into that low key vibe and clubs or hyped up parties might not be their thing. If that is you then try going out on a day other than a Friday or Saturday. Chances are, you will find a karaoke night or open mic which will set up an atmosphere that is friendly and unfussy compared to a Friday night bash. For you, the lesbian bar is the best bet 4 bi women looking for couple in this case.

Gay and Lesbian Centers

Now, this is an environment for those looking for a rather long-term stable bisexual relationship in this case, with a bisexual woman. Gay and lesbian centers are well-established institutions where people of the LGBTQ community can meet in different capacities and interact in different areas and ways. These include areas such as; politics, rap groups, book clubs, movie groups and even support groups. If there is a gay and lesbian center within your town or city, then this is how to meet bisexual women for you. This can be an awesome place to meet other like-minded bisexual women with the potential of forming a relatively sober, steady and long-term relationship.


It is no secret that lesbians and bisexual women alike love sports in a participatory capacity. And well, most town and cities have recreational sports teams for different kinds of sports. If you are a capable athlete yourself you can sign up for a while and see how your luck pans out, or you can spectate. In some towns, they even organize gay and/or lesbian tournaments, while others have teams that are known to attract lesbian players/athletes. This means that by joining in in whatever capacity (spectator/participant) you become a step closer in your endeavor to meet bisexual women.


This is like one of the easiest ways on how to meet other bisexual females and even end up forming a continuous relationship. By simply letting your friends and even colleagues know that you are on the hunt for potential bisexual female suitors, everything is set. From that point, they can invite you to dinner, a party or even game night where their bisexual female friend or friends will be invited as well. And by mingling and interacting with them if all goes well, you become predisposed to a whole new circle of individuals that share your sexual preferences.

The Internet

The internet gives you a myriad of options on individuals to choose from to what kinds of relationships to go for even for bisexual women. You can put up an ad up stating what you are looking for and your preferences in the kind of bisexual female suitor that you are in search of, as well as look at other posted ads to see if there is any bisexual woman out there looking for you. There are dating apps for bisexual females all over the internet for this purpose. Some of the most common ones include;

Note, however, that caution must be taken when using the internet due to the risk of impersonation, theft and even serial murder.

How To Find Bisexual Women

Once you are in the right environment which is basically the areas mentioned above, you now need to be equipped with the knowledge on how to find bisexual females. And by how to find, I mean how to identify them. So, here goes:


Hair is always the first indicator, however, it is not an accurate basis of assumption on its own. Some of the most common hairstyles seen within this group of females include the undercut aka the alternative lifestyle haircut and the short hairstyle.

The alternative lifestyle haircut entails an asymmetrical style characterized by long hair on one side and another side buzzed off to the scalp. Whereas, the short hairstyle entails a fun sexy cut styled with gel or with extra-long bangs.

These hairstyles are quite common not only to lesbian and bisexual women but also to; artistic women, hipsters, activists and other masculine affiliated women who may or may not like the company of other women.


Just like hair, clothes do not form a conclusive basis on which team a woman plays for on their own. Nonetheless, there are particular clothes that can be quite the indication to what you are looking for. For instance; if you spot a woman with a T-shirt or hat that says stuff like, “I’m a lesbian” or “Vagitarian” or any other witty wordplay that sends this kind of message then it would be safe to assume to a certain extent that she is batting for the same team. Also, gay or trans rights t-shirts, which usually have a rainbow, or pink triangle pin are indications in clothing.

Please note, however, that these identification factors may not necessarily mean that they are lesbian or bisexual. You, therefore, cannot assume a person’s sexuality until you directly interact with them and find out. Nonetheless, having known where to find them and these identifying factors you’ll probably feel safer and more comfortable approaching a woman who may or may not be bisexual. Happy hunting.