Attempting a Threesome for the First Time? All You Need to Know

first time threesome
  • Mischief
  • Mar 22, 2024

So, you intend to have a first time threesome following a compromise with your partner? How wonderful! In fact, congratulations to you and yours; not many go beyond the fantasy phase. However, the road to having a 3-way tryst is a rather long and tortuous path – it doesn’t end with the decision to have one. The crux of having a threesome is putting it together.

To help you get past this knotty phase, we have assembled some valuable tips from more experienced participants:

All parties should be on the same page

The bane of any sexual activity is the lack of some connection. It’s not just sex – don’t believe that crap. To have any fun during threesomes and other orgies, participants need to be comfortable with each other.

Before you go on to find a threesome partner, ensure both you and your partner are happy with the idea of engaging in this sexual activity. It shouldn’t be about what you or your partner wants. If someone isn’t comfortable with the idea of a threesome, then it is best you don’t proceed further.

Have some rules

Like everything else, your proposed threesome for the first time should have some rules guiding it. This will prevent those pleasure moments from ending in regret. Letting each participant, especially those you found on threesome dating sites know their limit before the act is probably the right thing to do. However, it’s usually easier said than done. When the tryst starts in earnest, everyone might forget about the rules.

While having some rules is important, you don’t want to overdo it. Too much cook will ruin the ecstasy of a tryst. It spoils the fun and every party in the threesome might end up in limbo over the next step to take. The fact is: If you have to set a lot of rules in your first attempt at an orgy of any sort, perhaps, you shouldn’t be going forward with it.

Have safe words

One of the easy ways to ensure the rules are maintained is the use of safe words. This should bring an undesired act to an abrupt end. Sometimes, things happen quickly and you are becoming less comfortable. What do you do? Use a safe word. This should draw the curtains close regardless of how intense the sexual activity might be. You and your partner must have agreed on safe words before partaking in a threesome. Be sure to inform your threesome dating partner of your safe words.

Keep substance use in check

Substances like alcohol and cannabis could help first time threesome flow better. But taking them in excess will only create problems. If it’s not the lack of awareness of what’s going on, it’s the drop in inhibition which leaves you breaking every rule you contributed to. There are too many problems associated with these substances; it is best you and other participants from threesome sites or apps are sober doing a threesome.

Expect less

The basis of every disappointment is the expectation of an awesome experience. If you want your first threesome experience to exceed your expectation, you might want to peg such relatively low, especially when you use the service of threesome dating websites to get a willing partner.

Many couples try out the threesome to feel the ecstasy typical of a sexual fantasy. While many feel happy with the act, others are disappointed for different reasons. Keeping your expectation low reduces the possibility of feeling dissatisfied.

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The spotlight should be on all parties

One of the problems with a three-way tryst is how frequent one person takes the spotlight. This shouldn’t be the case, but it happens. While participants of threesomes have what floats their boat, everyone should have a chance at the spotlight. If everyone is taken along, there’s a lower chance of one party feeling disgruntled.

To get around this, you have to ensure no one is left to the instruments of his hands. If someone feels he/she is being ignored, pay them attention. It’s called a threesome for a reason.